i got meme'd by karen (the big trade off) and beth (from her majesty's throne)
The Personal Soundtrack Meme
1. First Song you remember hearing on the radio as a child.
Oh yeah, it was by Ricky Skaggs, Honey, Honey, Honey won't you open that door . this is your sweet daddy don't you love me no more? Honey won't you open that door.
I think that this is proof that I was raised in Oklahoma.
2. First Album you remember listening to as a Child.
Like a Virgin - Madonna It was in my cousin Lisa's red toyota and we would sing it at the top of our lungs from Norman to OKC.
3.Album that takes you back to junior high.
um....that song that says, I like big butts and I cannot lie, no other brother can deny when a girl walks in with a itty-bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung. yeah, didn't know what 'sprung' meant back then. :)
4.Most Played Album in High School.
there were a couple. Counting Crows August and Everything Everafter. or Alanis Jagged little Pill or Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces
5. Favorite Album in College
probably Bare Naked Ladies Maroon or Dixie Chicks
6. Best Relationship Angst Album
I'm with Karen here, definatly Jagged Little Pill. it rocks. Head over Feet was in our wedding CD mix.
7.Personal Soundtrack today
george straight, dixie chicks, jennifer knapp (this is my house cleaning music)
8. Song that reminds you of what it was like to be cool
probably anything mariah carey. yeah, me and amanda used to ROCK OUT to her on the way to PCN
9. Favorite Albums to Roadtrip with
Anything by the Dixie Chicks, my friend KC Clifford, Neil Diamond, George Straight. Maybe Toby Keith for laughs. or DMX for laughs.
10. So if this is your personal soundtrack what's the plot of the movie in 50 words or less?
um, a girl who likes country music and married a man who can't stand it still likes to listen to her old school music??
who do i want to do this meme?
1. bilbrey
2. jamie
3. ashli
4. insert yourself here
santa was good, but i'm glad he's gone

smarty pants

the new love of my life

For Karen
Ok, totally never do this. this is just for Karen...Apparently I've been tagged by Karen to participate in a meme. It's my understanding that the word is pronounced "meem", not "me-me", "mehm", or even "meh-may".
Seven things I hope to do before I die:
1. Go to NYC and Vegas
2. Take my children where ever they want to go
3. Go somewhere exotic and hot
4. read all the 'classic' books
5. run a marathon
6. make a quilt
7. Watch my children grow into understanding, honest, loving adults.
Seven things I cannot do:
1. sew
2. cook very well
3. be obsessive about cleaning my house
4. sing
5. dance very well
6. sleep in on a daily basis
7. be a creative thinker
Seven things that attract me to my spouse:
1. great dad. just great
2. he is compassionate, and loves all people, would do anything for anyone
3. so cute when he smiles and the lines around his eyes crinkle up.
4. he is in love with his daughter (and son)
5. he is a great dancer
6. he is occasionally funny. i mean, like peeing your pants funny
7. he is still with me, though i probably don't deserve it.
Seven things I say often:
2. angel baby charlie girl...
3. are you kidding me??
4. i am sooooo sorry about last night. (in many different contexts...)
5. some cuss words....
6. No, Oliver, not right now.
7. answer the phone somebody!!!
Seven books or book series I love:
1.The Anne of Green Gables Series
2. The Harry Potter Series
3. Abram's Daughters Series
4. anything by Kevin Henke (children)
5. The Devil Wears Prada (and other chick lit books)
6. The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit
7. James Patterson books...i know, i know
Seven movies I could watch over and over again:
1. My Best Friends Wedding
2. Legally Blond 1 and 2
3. Mona Lisa Smile
4. Anything Harry Potter
5. Anything with Hugh Grant
6. The Cutting Edge
7. Father of the Bride 1 and 2
Seven people I want to join me in this Seven Sevens meme:
1. Jamie- keith family news
2. ashli - gr8scotts
3. kristen-micah mccarty
4. amanda panda
5. greg cause i know he never would...
6. nick
7. Insert yourself here. If you want to participate leave your link in the comments section and I would love to visit your blog and read it. Tag! You're it!
An idea I stole from Karen...heehee
OK, so Karen does this thing where every week she talks about her favorite kid product. Well, I am officially going to steal her idea.
First up this week... The new Sippy Cup from Gerber. They are called a 'transition cup', but they are AWESOME.
The handles on the cup move around to different positions, so that however baby wants to hold it, they can. It can be kind of difficult for a baby to get the last of the sippy cup when the handles are on the side, but when they are in the front, it is an entirely different story! AWESOME CUP!!
do not look here
exciting, exciting, exciting
We are back in the real world. The world of having your own computer!! HOORAY! Thanks to bob and allie for the hook-up. I wish you many dirty, messy children...!!
Thanksgiving...well, it was the normal hecticness that comes with a Thanksgiving dinner for 20 people. Kids and chaos. They go well together. Ashli, Chris, Anna and Lily were here for the long weekend. We had a great time with them! It was so good to see my girls!
Ashli and I enjoyed a 13 hour shopping marathon on Friday. It was AWESOME. I'm glad I didn't know about the Hannah Anderson outlet before now. I would be in serious trouble with mr. swanson if that was the case!
I'll post some pictures soon of the girls and my boy and girl. I've got to find the thing that connects the camera to the computer soon....
I am really a parent now- yikes!
Ok, so today was Oliver's Parent-Teacher conference at Preschool. I have been panicking about it for 3 days. I was worried about EVERYTHING. I could just imagine that they were going to tell me that he's a horror, has ADD and is obsessive compulsive. Well, it wasn't that bad.
They did say that he is 'talkative' (duh) and 'persistent' (duh again). I think that was nice teacher speak for annoying as hell!!! Anyone who has ever talked to me on the phone can attest to the fact that Oliver has to tell me AT LEAST 35 times that he needs juice. or applesauce. or needs to poop. What a life.
Oliver spent the time with his new friend Chloe at Chick-fil-a. Melanie is a braver woman than I am. It was SUBURBIA central. All the cute, put together mom's with their louis vuitton diaper bags having fried stuff. BARF BARF BARF.
I'd like to take the time right now to introduce you to my cousin Karen's Blog. http://thebigtradeoff.blogspot.com/ Take the time, read it. It's really freakin funny. I aspire to be more like her in my blogging, but I just don't have the brain power!!
Happy Thursday!
long absence

snow, the house, and nick

no computer
head scratching and moving
Moving in a Week
Hooray! I am so excited to be moving into our own house! It is really time for that. Oliver keeps saying he doesn't want to move, but i think it's because he thinks he'll be moving away from Denver. He doesn't quite understand that we'll just be 10 minutes away from Mimi and Pops. The house is quite nice that we're moving to, it's 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, with 2 living areas and an AWESOME view of the mountians from our deck.
We have tried 1 church so far while we've been here. I don't know when we'll try another one. who knows?? but, i'll give reports of the ones we've tried, it should be amusing at least.
our friends chris and ashli are going to the coldplay concert tonight in Dallas. You are braver than I am, but I hope you have a great time. get some close up pics of Chris Martin for me. He's a hottie!!!!!!
ear infections rule!

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