
An idea I stole from Karen...heehee

OK, so Karen does this thing where every week she talks about her favorite kid product. Well, I am officially going to steal her idea. First up this week... The new Sippy Cup from Gerber. They are called a 'transition cup', but they are AWESOME.

The handles on the cup move around to different positions, so that however baby wants to hold it, they can. It can be kind of difficult for a baby to get the last of the sippy cup when the handles are on the side, but when they are in the front, it is an entirely different story! AWESOME CUP!!


Unknown said...

I wish I could say the idea was originally mine but I copied too. Imitation is the finest form of flattery, right?

That's a cool cup, I haven't seen those before.

Anonymous said...

Ooh...I like that idea...I might have to steal that too.

Unknown said...

I checked this little cuppy out at Wally World today. You're right, it is way cool.