I am moving
To another service. I can't take blogger and it's finickyness anymore. Done!!
visit me at the new home of Life in Suburbia PLEASE!!
Good bye Blogger Flogger!
I am moving
To another service. I can't take blogger and it's finickyness anymore. Done!!
visit me at the new home of Life in Suburbia PLEASE!!
Good bye Blogger Flogger!
The day after the day after the day after
Ok, So I've been busy. Well, not really busy, but you know.
Oliver starts soccer tomorrow. He is super excited about it! Yesterday we went to get him all his gear and as soon as we got home he had to put it all on. Then he went over to our neighbors house and they played soccer in the greenbelt behind our house. All was fine until I heard the screaming. Oliver had tripped and fallen on the sidewalk. Or I guess I should say, slid onto the sidewalk. Yeah, he has road rash all over his arms. An hour later he was fine.
So, I'm kind of freaking out. On monday my lovely Annabelle was 5. You can see all her birthday pics Here. Oliver will be 4 next month. How are they getting so old? Anna will be in Kindergarten next year. Kindergarten. Holy Crap. Oliver is in soccer and next month will start TaeKwanDo. Holy Crap.
Where has the time gone???
Birthday Bonanza
So, it's finally over. Thank God! I tried to upload pics last night, but Blogger was being finicky. so, here are some pictures of the party!

To See more photos go HERE
Martha Freaking Stewart
That would be me. Look at my masterpiece. Well, it's not quite finished. The pink polka dots will be added tomorrow. I decided to save myself $75 and try to make the cake myself. My mom, always helpful, said 'oh, i'll help you make the cake, i took a decorating class' . yeah. she baked the cakes. that was the end of her helpfulness. but, it was helpful. enough of that word, on to the partly finished masterpiece.
And of course, stay tuned tomorrow night for more pictures of the fabulous 1st ever birthday party of Charlotte Zelle!!

And, I just can't resist putting a picture up of the kids... oliver in his magician outfit and the adorable almost one year old charlie girl...

i am tired
do you ever feel like you are living someone elses life? that's how i feel today. surely i don't live in colorado, i didn't ever live in england. i just am dreaming, and i'll wake up in bed at my house on 21st street in okc. it feels surreal to be living here. and not really a good surreal either. i am feeling really tired lately. so tired i can barely keep my head above water. just want to sleep for a long time. i want to go home for a visit. or a move. i'm too tired to move right now. just want to sleep.
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the lovely Nick. 31 years old. Man, I 've just got to get you that cardigan! I hope you have a super special day. Do you want that surprise party with all of our friends like last year?? :) Love you Nickie D on the MC!
And I forgot to add this....if you haven't read Dooce lately, you're going to have to read this. It's laugh out loud funny, only because I know exactly where she's coming from, being a public farter myself and all!
party planning

What has been keeping me busy is this girl in the picture. She is WALKING everywhere. She is getting into everything. Like Breklinn, the toilet paper is a fun toy, so is my wallet, the lid drawer, anything that oliver has, and of course, her personal favorite. Mom. Whining until there is no more whine left, which leaves me needing a glass of wine.
She is very very strong-willed. Meaning = a spoiled rotten little girl.
Oliver is good. He's still incredibly clumsy. Black Eye # 5 is in the works right now. He ran into a bar stool at Taco Bell and hit with his eye. I"m gonna try to get a good picture of it. I think his first one was around 18 months. He was a frog for Halloween and I just have pictures of him and Anna sitting on the floor and Oliver's Black Eye taking up most of the picture. Super Cute!
Soccer Practice starts next week, Oliver can't wait.
Annabelle is turning 5 on monday. ouch. can't believe it. my baby girl is growing up!!
It's Official
I'm a soccer mom. Not only a soccer mom, but an assistant coach soccer mom. Wow. Melanie already said that I can not tell the girls to get their asses in gear, call them little pussies or encourage them to score, score score. It's apparently not all about winning till they are 11 years old. Whatever.
I'm sure I'm going to have some interesting stories to tell. Jason (mel's hubs) will probably be videotaping our humiliation (aka the games) and broadcasting them to the world. I think he and nick have plans to sneak in flasks of liqour to the games, and make fun of us from the sidelines. They will probably have loads of material.
Now that it's official, I need to get a haircut and Mel and I have to decide on our 'outfits'. Here are the rules of the outfits:
1. They must include lesbo whistles.
2. They must include lesbo StopWatches.
3. They must include some sort of shirt with the words, Bitch and Assistant Bitch on them.
4. We will wear Pink Sweatbands on our heads.
Mel voted for the swishy pants, but I told her that they were SOOOO 90's I couldn't do it.
It will be fun
Ok. I'm gonna be like Karen and do a Random Round-Up. Because I have nothing specifically to blog about.
1. Was going to change jobs. Went to the new site yesterday, decided that the guy in charge was the biggest asshole I'd ever met. Told Nick I would get fired than work for this guy. Went back to old site.
2. Charlie's b-day is 2 weeks and counting. I am just not ready. Her party is 1 week away. I've never been so disorganized in my life.
3. Went to Gymboree. Got some clothes for the girl. I bought a 12-18 months shirt. When did she get this big?

a couple of links
To Posts I've enjoyed Lately....
1. http://www.dooce.com/archives/nubbin/02_24_2006.html just about the funniest thing i've read this week
2. http://thebigtradeoff.blogspot.com/2006/02/all-grown-up-and-nowhere-to-go.html truth
3. http://mccarty.typepad.com/mccarty_thoughts/2006/02/new_things_to_t.html interesting baby/church talk
4. http://seedsfrommygarden.blogspot.com/ Just read it all!
5. http://www.crazyus.com/archives/000965.html my favorite guy - anderson cooper
read and enjoy!
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