Why are the days that I am off work so hectic? I just wish for one day off that is peaceful, relaxing, and kid-free. That is my dream people. Just one day.
Today we went to the 'farm'. It was thrilling. thrilling. thrilling. Charlie hadn't had a nap all day so she was super fabulous. (note the sarcasm) Oliver was in good spirits, just not in a listening 'mood'. Here are some pics from the ultra-fab day.
and i just have to add in this one. this is how i found charlie yesterday morning

oh my goodness...that is one of the cutest pics of charile in the drawer!
-like the one of the bull?
-Oliver looks so grown up! CUTE!
-Charlie looking a little pist!
-And what kind of mother are you letting your kids climb in drawers and such! jk, funny stuff, that naughty girl!
charlie is so mischevious! cheeky! :)
I love that word, Rachel. "Cheeky". I think that will be my word for the day. I will use it as many times as I can. Cheeky. Cheeky.
Seriously, your kids are just SO cute. VERY CUTE!!
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