Guess what my chicken did today??

And then there is the big boy Oliver. He's going to be 4 in April. 4, people! I can't believe that either. He is so sweet. But onry. But sooo sweet. He loves to 'snuggle-buggle' mommy and still sucks his thumb. Still a baby in so many ways. He has got to be one of the funniest kids I've ever met. The things that come out of his mouth shock and surprise me. He's really into telling jokes lately (eye-roll from mommy) and he just thinks he's the funniest thing he's ever heard. I have to laugh at him, because he's so serious about them!! I just love my boy, they really do have a different relationship with their mom's than girls.
just thought I'd update on the kids. Have a great week!
ok, enough of hugh grant
big stuff man. i mean, seriously

so my paci is upside down, you want to make something of it??
and the boys self portrait
can it get better i ask????
- 16 years old, ran into the wall of a parking garage
- 16 years old, ran into a parked car
- 17 years old, had a tire blow out on I 25, I couldn't figure out why smoke was coming out of the back of my car
- 17 years old, ran into another parked car
- 18 years old, flipped my car twice and totaled it.
- 19 years old, ran my car up onto a median and messed up the wheels
- 20 years old, i forgot about this one until ashli reminded me, i was involved in some kind of accident on NW Expressway outside of circut city
- 23 years old, rear-ended a woman going 40mph because the sun was in my eyes, and totalled my mini-van
- now, 25 rear-ended another old couple.
- don't forget about nick's run-in with a drunk driver.
and ashli, if i've forgotten 1 or 2 can you please remind me??
and while i'm at it. i've decided to 'out' ashli. no, she's not a lesbian, she's knocked up with her third love child (with her husband who she has been with since she was 15). here's a toast to her, that she is growing a penis in her belly, cause we all know that 3 girls is just way way too much.
What I woke up to

Life in the burbs
back in the saddle again
I don't want my baby
why not to blog at 11pm (after a beer)
Things I do NOT care about.
much funnier
New Template (for the last time)
new years day