
I don't want my baby

What follows will be a public service blog. If you had the privilege of talking to me tonight I was really upset. Why now Brooke you might ask?? A 15 year old in New Jersey threw her less than 1 hour old baby in the trash. yes, you heard right, the trashcan. on a street. outside a deli. If you are visiting this site and are pregnant and don't want your baby let me give you some advice. your options are 1. give the baby up for adoption 2. take your baby to the hospital and leave it 3. take your baby to the police station and leave it. 4. take your baby to a church and leave it. *if you do the above mentioned things, you will have no legal repercussion's. No questions asked. instead of beating your baby, killing your baby or just throwing your baby away, please give it to someone who will love it and take care of it. please.please.please.

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