
I am moving

To another service. I can't take blogger and it's finickyness anymore. Done!! visit me at the new home of Life in Suburbia PLEASE!! Good bye Blogger Flogger!

I am moving

To another service. I can't take blogger and it's finickyness anymore. Done!! visit me at the new home of Life in Suburbia PLEASE!! Good bye Blogger Flogger!

The day after the day after the day after

Ok, So I've been busy. Well, not really busy, but you know. Oliver starts soccer tomorrow. He is super excited about it! Yesterday we went to get him all his gear and as soon as we got home he had to put it all on. Then he went over to our neighbors house and they played soccer in the greenbelt behind our house. All was fine until I heard the screaming. Oliver had tripped and fallen on the sidewalk. Or I guess I should say, slid onto the sidewalk. Yeah, he has road rash all over his arms. An hour later he was fine. So, I'm kind of freaking out. On monday my lovely Annabelle was 5. You can see all her birthday pics Here. Oliver will be 4 next month. How are they getting so old? Anna will be in Kindergarten next year. Kindergarten. Holy Crap. Oliver is in soccer and next month will start TaeKwanDo. Holy Crap. Where has the time gone???


Birthday Bonanza

So, it's finally over. Thank God! I tried to upload pics last night, but Blogger was being finicky. so, here are some pictures of the party!

To See more photos go HERE


Martha Freaking Stewart

That would be me. Look at my masterpiece. Well, it's not quite finished. The pink polka dots will be added tomorrow. I decided to save myself $75 and try to make the cake myself. My mom, always helpful, said 'oh, i'll help you make the cake, i took a decorating class' . yeah. she baked the cakes. that was the end of her helpfulness. but, it was helpful. enough of that word, on to the partly finished masterpiece.

And, I just can't resist putting a picture up of the kids... oliver in his magician outfit and the adorable almost one year old charlie girl...

And of course, stay tuned tomorrow night for more pictures of the fabulous 1st ever birthday party of Charlotte Zelle!!


i am tired

do you ever feel like you are living someone elses life? that's how i feel today. surely i don't live in colorado, i didn't ever live in england. i just am dreaming, and i'll wake up in bed at my house on 21st street in okc. it feels surreal to be living here. and not really a good surreal either. i am feeling really tired lately. so tired i can barely keep my head above water. just want to sleep for a long time. i want to go home for a visit. or a move. i'm too tired to move right now. just want to sleep.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the lovely Nick. 31 years old. Man, I 've just got to get you that cardigan! I hope you have a super special day. Do you want that surprise party with all of our friends like last year?? :) Love you Nickie D on the MC!
And I forgot to add this....if you haven't read Dooce lately, you're going to have to read this. It's laugh out loud funny, only because I know exactly where she's coming from, being a public farter myself and all!


party planning

Party planning is not that time consuming. I really haven't done anything yet. I'm trying to decide what kind of food to serve. I have to practice icing the cake, etc.
What has been keeping me busy is this girl in the picture. She is WALKING everywhere. She is getting into everything. Like Breklinn, the toilet paper is a fun toy, so is my wallet, the lid drawer, anything that oliver has, and of course, her personal favorite. Mom. Whining until there is no more whine left, which leaves me needing a glass of wine.
She is very very strong-willed. Meaning = a spoiled rotten little girl.
Oliver is good. He's still incredibly clumsy. Black Eye # 5 is in the works right now. He ran into a bar stool at Taco Bell and hit with his eye. I"m gonna try to get a good picture of it. I think his first one was around 18 months. He was a frog for Halloween and I just have pictures of him and Anna sitting on the floor and Oliver's Black Eye taking up most of the picture. Super Cute! Soccer Practice starts next week, Oliver can't wait.
Annabelle is turning 5 on monday. ouch. can't believe it. my baby girl is growing up!!


It's Official

I'm a soccer mom. Not only a soccer mom, but an assistant coach soccer mom. Wow. Melanie already said that I can not tell the girls to get their asses in gear, call them little pussies or encourage them to score, score score. It's apparently not all about winning till they are 11 years old. Whatever. I'm sure I'm going to have some interesting stories to tell. Jason (mel's hubs) will probably be videotaping our humiliation (aka the games) and broadcasting them to the world. I think he and nick have plans to sneak in flasks of liqour to the games, and make fun of us from the sidelines. They will probably have loads of material. Now that it's official, I need to get a haircut and Mel and I have to decide on our 'outfits'. Here are the rules of the outfits: 1. They must include lesbo whistles. 2. They must include lesbo StopWatches. 3. They must include some sort of shirt with the words, Bitch and Assistant Bitch on them. 4. We will wear Pink Sweatbands on our heads. Mel voted for the swishy pants, but I told her that they were SOOOO 90's I couldn't do it. It will be fun



Ok. I'm gonna be like Karen and do a Random Round-Up. Because I have nothing specifically to blog about. 1. Was going to change jobs. Went to the new site yesterday, decided that the guy in charge was the biggest asshole I'd ever met. Told Nick I would get fired than work for this guy. Went back to old site. 2. Charlie's b-day is 2 weeks and counting. I am just not ready. Her party is 1 week away. I've never been so disorganized in my life. 3. Went to Gymboree. Got some clothes for the girl. I bought a 12-18 months shirt. When did she get this big?


Why I love having 2 kids.

This was not a posed picture. This is how I found them yeterday morning. Oliver seriously had his arm around her. Precious.
Another note: If you want to see ridiculously close up pictures of the Coldplay concert in OKC see Ashli's Blog
If you want to hear Chris Martin talk about how his fly had been undone for 2 songs, check out Jamie's Blog.



Blogging is an interesting medium. It is writing, sharing pictures, stories and life. It is community. The odd thing about it is that it is out on this big scary internet. Some people are open bloggers. Meaning that they have no problem with people knowing who they are, their kids names and where they live. I am in that category. I think that there is always a chance of some weirdo finding out who you are and stalking you, but that chance is small, and worth the risk in my opinion. Some people are not so open bloggers. They protect their family's privacy by not telling names, sharing pictures or saying where they live. That's cool with me. They are not willing to take the risk mentioned above. I guess the bottom line is that This is the Internet. No matter how careful you are, someone (if they want to) will always be able to find out your information. If this makes you uncomfortable, then don't blog. It is a free world, I am aware of my risks, I am not going to publish any personal information about any of my friends on my blog without their permission first. This has always been my policy. I ask before I post. But, this is my blog and I will blog what I want to. I am not going to be censored by someone else's uncomfortableness. One more uncomfortable subject. Anonymous comments. I have these open on my comments because I want everyone who wants to be able to comment to go for it. I think it's stupid to have to have a Blogger account to post a comment. That being said. I have a friend, who let me know, that someone from my blog, posted on her blog some rude comments about her personal life. This has caused my husband and I to no longer have contact with this person. If this ever happens again, I will be devastated. It is rude, immature, and just really crass. Whoever did this is not someone I want reading my blog. So, person, back off! Get out and never come back. To do this to someone else who comments on my blog is against any sense of decorum, or politeness. It is just un-called for. So, think of this as me being a little ticked off, and shooting off a blog without proof reading it. Don't get angry with me I am just expressing my thoughts and feelings about the said subject. Sorry if I offend.


music and other thoughts.

So, I'm not really into that much music. There are a few things I do really love though. 1. DC TALK Free At Last. This CD rocks. It is just fun singing in the car to. Plus, I used to torture Bilbrey to it on the way to PCN. 2. Anything country. It just rocks. Especially Dixie Chicks, Brad Paisley, George Strait, Toby Keith, and Dirks Bentley. Just love it all. 3. After Beth's recomendation, Hollaback Girl. I don't know where I've been living, but this song kicks some serious ass. serious. dude. I went to the movie tonight. By myself. It was heaven. No one talked to me for 2 hours. Silence. (except for the movie of course). Super Fab. Welcome more of the kind of swanson clan to the blogdom. Kristen and Sherry Happy Friday Night!!


So I went to this scrapbooking store....

I know, the question is, why. why why why?? Because I want to make my own invitations for Chickies First Birthday Party. Here is the following interaction I had with the salesgirl... SG: Can I help you find something? B: Yes, I'm looking for crowns to go on my daughters birthday invitation. I've never been in here before and it's a really big store! SG: We don't have any of those, you'd think we would because they are so popular but we don't. So, where do you normally get your scrapbooking stuff? B: I don't scrapbook. I'm not very crafty. SG : the sales girl gives me a weird look, then just says "OH" SG: That's pretty brave of you to make your own invitations if you don't even scrapbook. B: Um, Yeah. (brooke walks very quickly out of the store)



Ok, So I was wondering. What kind of ringtones do you have on your cell phone? If you could be one ringtone on everyone you knows cell phone what would it be? I have Madonna (Like a Virgin) for Ashli, Mel, Kelly and Amanda I have I ain't as good as I once was (toby keith) for the lovely nick b/c he loves toby keith and the words are just hilarious. example: If you need some love tonight, I might have just enough. I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was. Funny stuff. I have MargaritaVille for my cousin Deborah. If I had just one ringtone for myself for every one to use it would probably be Like a Virgin. Just for the looks you get at the store. Cause it starts out LOUDLY with 'Like a Virgin, HEY!! Touched for the very First Time'. Funny Stuff. Everyone who reads my blog has to chime in. I'll do a boycott from my own blog if you don't. I know who you are. Get commenting.

Tis The Season

Of Sickness. I have a Horrid cold, virusey type thing. Charlotte Zelle has an ear infection in Both Ears. Oliver is healthy so far, but the dripping snot is starting. Good Times Everyone. I'll share new photos. The bottom right one is how oliver kept himself entertained at the dr. office yesterday. taking photos. the left right one is how i found charlie a week ago. yeah. oliver got 'sister' a yogurt. nice.


So Glad You Asked

I think that education is the key. Tell people about it. Hook up with WHO, Unicef or Amnesty International. To those of us who can't actually GO and help: Educate, Educate, Educate. Tell people where to donate money, Tell people what it is and who it's happening to. Gross People out. If they are disturbed enough about it, maybe they'll want to help too. I don't have a specific way to help,I'm trying to figure it out myself. And to 'From A Distance'.... Maybe he didn't kill them. But I would be willing to bet money that he did. His story thus far is that he found them dead at home, thought about killing himself but decided to run home to his parents in England instead. I think it's a croc of shit.


Another Soap Box

So, I am actually learning quite a bit at my job. 1. I have Nancy Grace, who despite our love/hate relationship, I think is doing a good job getting the word out about domestic violence. Raising our awareness to the point that I am ready to go and picket outside the courthouse of the man in Boston who killed his Wife and 9 month old baby girl. That is just one month younger than Charlie. 2. I work with a girl from Ethiopia named Emabet. She is pregnant with her first baby (a girl) and is one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. We talk a lot about Africa. About the AIDS crisis, and how difficult it is to educate people there because most of them from outside the city don't have a written way to communicate, they don't read. So, education about AIDS has been difficult and slow-going. We also talk about Female Circumcision. Yeah, you heard me. Now, don't laugh at me, But I had no idea what it was and what it involved or that it even still happened around the world. But it does. It really does. Now, it has been outlawed in Ethiopia for about 10 years, but it is still practiced in Somalia, right next door to Ethiopia. After cutting all the 'bits' off, they proceed to sew the woman up until she gets married, leaving only a small hole for the urine or menstural bleeding. The infection rate is staggering, and the sheer cruelness of it is unbelievable. This is all done without any type of anisthesia. You can read more about it here. So, that is my soap box for the day. Find a way to help. Become a better person. I am trying to.


The Girl


Having a make-0ut session with her baby doll.

And the boys' new haircut.


My *&%&#$ Computer

Bob (my bil) says I need to speak in love to my computer. I really should. It was free. FREE. But, it's so picky. I have been offline since Saturday. I've been making people read to me from the internet over the phone. I am pathetic. I was going to post some really cute pictures of Breklinn and Charlie, but my camera ate them. Big News Bulletin: CHARLIE IS WALKING. well, like 8 steps at a time. and all the time. and she is just so darn proud of herself it makes me want to melt. Oh, yeah, and happy Valentines Day. woohoo.


thank you to....

karen- for making me pee my pants this afternoon. i needed that laugh. ashli- for making that little doll anna-bannana. precious. i was esctatic to talk to her this morning. bilbrey- for remembering all those weird people we went to school with so we can laugh about them. jamie- just for having 5 kids. oh my god. you deserve some kind of medal melanie- for attending my first mary kay party with me. wow. interesting. it was less painful than i thought it would be. and for wearing orange make-up with pride. nick - for letting me buy a new outfit at the gap. oliver- for giving me a hug this morning and telling the haircut lady that he needed his hair like his dad's. charlie- for learning how to blow a kiss. you are the most precious thing i've ever seen. that felt good. maybe i'll do that once a week. maybe i'll make it into my own meme and it will become wildy popular and even dooce will do it. probably not. i'm going out to dinn dinn tonight with husband. i'l lpost again tomorrow


I Used to Be Funny

I really did. When we lived in England I almost always had something witty or inspired to write about. Living out the the 'Burbs is drying me up. (and yes I could mean that in more than one way.) So, I miss Oklahoma. I am jealous of Ashli and Jamie and Ginny and their group of mom's that has their coffee date on Thursday nights. I keep asking Ashli, If I lived there, could I be in the group? Please, Please, Please? It's not like I don't have friends here, I do. I have two. Melanie (who is the only normal woman who lives in Highlands Ranch besides me, and who is just a lot of fun) and Kelly. But, she is from Oklahoma, but is leaving me to go reside in the sooner state once again. I miss eating breakfast on Sat morning with the Scotts at Brazil, I miss going to Galileo's or Isis. I even miss the Conaco at 23rd and Western, and the girl that works there in the morning. I miss all the drama of Mesta Park, and all the MEXICAN FOOD to be had in the big OKC. I have a couple of good blog ideas, so stay with me readers (all 4 of you) and you'll be entertained.



Why are the days that I am off work so hectic? I just wish for one day off that is peaceful, relaxing, and kid-free. That is my dream people. Just one day. Today we went to the 'farm'. It was thrilling. thrilling. thrilling. Charlie hadn't had a nap all day so she was super fabulous. (note the sarcasm) Oliver was in good spirits, just not in a listening 'mood'. Here are some pics from the ultra-fab day.

and i just have to add in this one. this is how i found charlie yesterday morning


Three Things

1. Read this on the baby center website.... Having heard that babies like monotonous sounds like a fan or vacuum cleaner, inspiration struck at 2am when Violet was fussing and refused the nipple. I reached over to the side of the bed, hauled up my vibrator, turned it on low and placed it on the bed near her head. It worked! She quieted almost instantly, lulled by the soothing sounds of our sex toy. ok, see this is proof that every woman should have a vibrator. 2. Check this out on baby center. 7 signs your child loves you see karen, when spicy has a tantrum it really means she's saying ' i love you mom' 3. public apology to jamie for the deletion of her comment. i was having a bitch day and wasn't in the mood for humor. let me take this moment to tell you internet that i've been off my zoloft for a month now. the effects of my magic pill are just starting to show. i'm going back to the pharmacy this morning and will be pleading for mercy.


how do you

Punish someone who has done this to your darling baby daughters favorite toy? It was deformed by Oliver placing it in the oven sometime ago. He claims it needed a 'shed'. All I can possibly say at this moment is OH MY GOD. really. that's it.


Happy Anniversary

To myself and my hubbie. 5 years. wow. Never thought we'd make it this far. Love you.
Do our pictures look outdated yet??


A Little Poll

who do they look like??

another meme from karen

If I were a ______ what would I be?? Car: A Mini-Cooper. Cause they're just really cute. Book: Harry Potter. Cause I want to be magic Movie: My Best Friends Wedding. Cause isn't that the way of life? And Julia Roberts is just so dang cute in that movie. Weather: A Sunny Day with no Clouds in the Sky (but only around 75F) Drink: Most Likely a Diet Coke, cause that's about all I ever drink. Ice Cream Flavor: Something really boring like Vanilla cause I'm not all that exciting. Song or Genre of Music: Country Music. Cause I'm just an Oklahoma Girl at heart. Shoe: Old Running Shoes. Cause that's all I wear. Website: Probably Dooce, because I'll never be as funny as her and I just really really wish I was. Food: Rice. Cause I just like it. Plain Rice. tag yourself if you feel inclined and put a link in the comments.


did you know?

that chuck is old enough to drink from a juice box??


Guess what my chicken did today??

Yeah, she tried to walk. She took 2 steps with me and nick in the room, and then about 3 more when nick was putting jammies on her. I guess it's the second child thing, but I am so sad about it. I just don't want her to get any bigger. I almost cry when I think about her 1st birthday coming up. Poor mommy.

And then there is the big boy Oliver. He's going to be 4 in April. 4, people! I can't believe that either. He is so sweet. But onry. But sooo sweet. He loves to 'snuggle-buggle' mommy and still sucks his thumb. Still a baby in so many ways. He has got to be one of the funniest kids I've ever met. The things that come out of his mouth shock and surprise me. He's really into telling jokes lately (eye-roll from mommy) and he just thinks he's the funniest thing he's ever heard. I have to laugh at him, because he's so serious about them!! I just love my boy, they really do have a different relationship with their mom's than girls.

just thought I'd update on the kids. Have a great week!


if i had twins

this would be my life....


ok, enough of hugh grant

my kids are better, the house is a little bit clean, oliver has preschool today so my life is ok. well, it was ok, until i watched nancy grace last night. why does she feel the need to ruin my life every monday and wednesday? last night, it was a mother and 9 month old baby who were shot to death in their bed. oh my god. then, it was a man who had been killed in a carjacking in san fran and his 4 year old daughter had been leaving him voicemails on his cell phone. they played the messages. it went something like 'daddy, i am sorry you died, call me back, i hope you get out of the dirt somtime.'. ok, 1. my employer- do they like me sobbing like an idiot from 6-7pm in the lobby? 2. nancy grace. does she get off on this shit? good grief. other than that, i can't really think of much else to say today. maybe i'll have more for you later. hold your breath.


Ashli and Jamie, THIS is the man I would leave anybody for.

the smile the eyes the crinkles around the eyes.

so sexy.


big stuff man. i mean, seriously

what are you looking at??

so my paci is upside down, you want to make something of it??

and the boys self portrait


can it get better i ask????

so this afternoon i was on my way home from work. i was exiting the freeway LESS THAN A MILE FROM MY HOUSE, and yeah, you guessed it. I rear-ended a old couple. cool huh? let me just give you a laundry list of all my accidents.
  1. 16 years old, ran into the wall of a parking garage
  2. 16 years old, ran into a parked car
  3. 17 years old, had a tire blow out on I 25, I couldn't figure out why smoke was coming out of the back of my car
  4. 17 years old, ran into another parked car
  5. 18 years old, flipped my car twice and totaled it.
  6. 19 years old, ran my car up onto a median and messed up the wheels
  7. 20 years old, i forgot about this one until ashli reminded me, i was involved in some kind of accident on NW Expressway outside of circut city
  8. 23 years old, rear-ended a woman going 40mph because the sun was in my eyes, and totalled my mini-van
  9. now, 25 rear-ended another old couple.
  10. don't forget about nick's run-in with a drunk driver.

and ashli, if i've forgotten 1 or 2 can you please remind me??

and while i'm at it. i've decided to 'out' ashli. no, she's not a lesbian, she's knocked up with her third love child (with her husband who she has been with since she was 15). here's a toast to her, that she is growing a penis in her belly, cause we all know that 3 girls is just way way too much.


What I woke up to

What a winter day. Nice. I hate to say it, but I'm already sick of the snow. Here has been my week thus far. Monday-Charlie has a croopy sounding cough, I should take her to the Dr. I take her and they say the famous last words...It's just a cold. Um, yeah, could I have my $50 back ?? Nick comes home with a nazi - looking haircut. Tuesday- spend the day in loveland with the in-laws. Oliver started coughing on the way up there but I thought (of course) that he was faking it b/c Charlie was coughing. I call my personal pharmacy of Ashli and ask what to give Charlie for that awful cough. Go to walmart and get it. a peaceful night's rest. Wednesday- get a call that indeed Oliver was up all night coughing. I pass on my newly acquired medicine knowledge (so I look like I know what I'm doing) and go on with my day. Go to work, come home , go to bed. Thursday- MIL comes home with Oliver around 1130. He wasn't looking all that great, but he said he wanted to go to school, and it was the day of the secret sound N. So, off to school we go. I briefed the teachers as to the cold and told them not to hesitate to call if he seems sick. 330pm. Pick Oliver up....This child was ASLEEP. We're talking about my son who has not had a nap since his sister was born. They said he went over to the beanbag pillow and just conked out about 20 minutes before I got there. I felt him and he was burning up. Oh yeah, 104.5 baby. awesome. rush him to the dr office where they rule out rsv and the flu (even though he had the shot), and tell me, um yeah, it's a virus. call on Sunday if he is still running a fever. I come home, put the kids to bed, and drink 2 big glasses of white wine. Perfect ending to a not so perfect day. Are you all reeling with jealousy yet??


Life in the burbs

The first thing you have to know about life in the Burbs is that you can expect to be a full 10 years younger than anyone of the other mothers in your child's preschool class (exception being Mel) Second thing....It's all the same. The houses are all off white or light yellow. You'll find all the same stores at each major intersection. Third thing...The above mentioned mothers all had a 'career' before their birthing plans. They make comments like, oh I miss working, when I had my career...so on and so forth. Fourth thing...It's eerily quiet here. I can go outside and not hear anything for like 20 minutes. Never was like that in Mesta Park. Fifth thing... Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. It's weird. I like it in a weird way. I hate it in a normal way.


a chicken and her daddy

this is what i walked into monday night at 11pm. sweetness


if you think she might be cussing you out in her mind, you are probably right. and if there was an award for a child saying, WHAT'S UP man, without actually speaking it, she would be winning that one. but, if this is not the cutest, most sweetest face you've ever seen, I'm going to kick your ass.

back in the saddle again

a father and son doing what a father and son should do together...playing PS2..... and in the words of pink....bring on the presents biatches!! they taste really really good!!


I don't want my baby

What follows will be a public service blog. If you had the privilege of talking to me tonight I was really upset. Why now Brooke you might ask?? A 15 year old in New Jersey threw her less than 1 hour old baby in the trash. yes, you heard right, the trashcan. on a street. outside a deli. If you are visiting this site and are pregnant and don't want your baby let me give you some advice. your options are 1. give the baby up for adoption 2. take your baby to the hospital and leave it 3. take your baby to the police station and leave it. 4. take your baby to a church and leave it. *if you do the above mentioned things, you will have no legal repercussion's. No questions asked. instead of beating your baby, killing your baby or just throwing your baby away, please give it to someone who will love it and take care of it. please.please.please.


why not to blog at 11pm (after a beer)

i think it's really scary, all the blogs out there. my friend has a sister who has a blog. she is 12. her friend who is also 12 POSTED HER CELL PHONE NUMBER on the internet. OH MY GOD. does this girl not know what can happen? it really frightens me. a. that 12 year olds have cell phones b. that the 12 year olds parents do not know that she has a blog and that she is freakin givin her number out on the net. does she not know that there are freak smart people out there who could find her? it makes me wonder where we will be in 8 years when oliver is 12. it really scares me more than makes me wonder. there you are, an incoherant post after a beer at 11pm. that'll teach all 4 of you who read my blog!!!

Things I do NOT care about.

Ok, Let me first note that while I am at work I watch CNN Headline News. I love Nancy Grace (mainly because she is so freakin rude it's funny) and I have a MAJOR crush on Anderson Cooper. This is a list of things that I really don't give a shit about. 1. Whether or not Lindsay Lohan has an eating disorder or drug problem. I think it's been fairly obvious for awhile that she is freakin sick. 2. While I am sad for the family's of the miners that died, I don't think it's necessary to talk about it 24 hours a day. It's horrible that they were told that they were alive, when in fact, they were dead, but they are still dead. 3. Anything relating with Richard Simmons. Don't care. 4. That Ariel Sharone (i know i spelled that wrong, but i can't be bothered to go look it up) is possibly dying because of a stroke. I do think it's funny however, that a Palestian leader said that it was a gift from God (or whatever their equivilant is) 5. Whether or not a woman who killed her marine husband via poison will be extradited back to California. It really doesn't matter in my life. Just thought you guys might want a real blog as opposed to pictures of my kids. In case you didn't know, I'm kind of a sarcastic and rude person. Just puttin it out there!!