
music and other thoughts.

So, I'm not really into that much music. There are a few things I do really love though. 1. DC TALK Free At Last. This CD rocks. It is just fun singing in the car to. Plus, I used to torture Bilbrey to it on the way to PCN. 2. Anything country. It just rocks. Especially Dixie Chicks, Brad Paisley, George Strait, Toby Keith, and Dirks Bentley. Just love it all. 3. After Beth's recomendation, Hollaback Girl. I don't know where I've been living, but this song kicks some serious ass. serious. dude. I went to the movie tonight. By myself. It was heaven. No one talked to me for 2 hours. Silence. (except for the movie of course). Super Fab. Welcome more of the kind of swanson clan to the blogdom. Kristen and Sherry Happy Friday Night!!


Amanda Fortney said...

Free At Last rocks! It is way too much fun to sing along with...I think I still know all the words.

Anonymous said...

UH YEAH! Have the whole CD...Gwen Stefani ROCKS!!!

Unknown said...

What movie did you go see?

I'm waiting to see Amanda's blog. W a i t i n g.

ashli said...

aside fom listening to gwen stefani(she's good), you need some serious exsposure to some new and good stuff, you know real music.

Kristen said...

Hollaback girl. I love it.